Mortar AI launches SaaS platform


Launching the world’s only affordable customer data management and digital media buying SaaS platform – redefining digital marketing in the modern era.

Access to programmatic digital media advertising, data cleansing and consolidation, and surviving the demise of third-party cookies, all at your fingertips.  

Adelaide S.A. October 27, 2022–Today, Mortar AI launched its revolutionary new software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform designed to help businesses excel in digital marketing and level the playing field between the big players and the small.  

We empower businesses to deliver greater revenue, customer loyalty, and acquisition through personalised, AI-driven, automated programs across digital channels. 

To encourage fair competition amongst businesses of all sizes, Mortar AI is offering a highly sophisticated, previously unaffordable, suite of digital marketing tools that are now available to all businesses, irrespective of size.  

“One of the key things that sets Mortar apart from other customer data platforms on the market is that we offer access to programmatic digital media campaigns. At Mortar, our AI machine learning is trained to understand your brand’s ideal audiences and target them,” said Ben Wagner, Global Sales Director at Mortar. “Unlike paid social alone, the diverse data Mortar AI collects during programmatic advertising campaigns allows for precise targeting and retargeting that can support almost any marketing channel. Mortar AI’s technology vastly improves the quality of your advertisement’s audience, delivering an ROI like you have never witnessed before.” 

By 2023, marketers will no longer have access to third-party cookie data, resulting in a massive spike in online and digital advertising. “First-party data is now becoming the primary source of truth in this ever-changing digital world,” said Nilan Mihindukulasooriya, Founder and Technology Director at Mortar. “Our aim at Mortar is to provide an easy-to-use SaaS solution for SMEs globally. We want to even the playing field for SMEs and give them access to cutting-edge technology to help them compete with better-funded competitors in the same market.” 

We use AI machine learning to understand your brand’s perfect customer. We identify, find, and deliver new customers to your business. We do this through first-party communication, programmatic advertising, paid social campaigns, and lookalike marketing. 

If your business is struggling with fragmented data, then Mortar AI is perfect for your business. Need more information on Mortar AI?  Click here to schedule a call, to discover how you can MASTER YOUR DATA and BUILD YOUR MARKET. 

About Mortar AI 

Mortar AI unites your fragmented data to give you a single view of your business so that you can make smarter marketing and business decisions. In addition, Mortar AI allows SMEs to run digital media campaigns they usually would not get access to, which is a first-to-market technology.  

MEDIA CONTACT: Ben Wagner  or Grant Baker. 

Book a call with one of our experts today to learn how Mortar AI can supercharge your marketing campaigns and grow your business.
